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Google Mind Melds With Trekkies

Resistance is futile. You will be compiled.

As part of the 40th anniversary of the legendary science fiction series Star Trek, Google has set up shop in Las Vegas at the 5th Annual Official Star Trek Convention for Trekkies looking to sharpen their programming knowledge.

The Google booth, which has a starship bridge motif, features Google programmers, engineers and product managers who can discuss a variety of APIs, including Google Earth KML, the Google AJAX Search API, Google Calendar's data API and the Google Gadgets API.

Microsoft Extends a Hand To Mozilla

It may be August, but they're having a snowball fight in Hell right about now.

The head of Microsoft's open source lab extended a very public offer to the Mozilla community to work to insure Mozilla software will run properly on Windows Vista.

Firefox 2.0: Mozilla's Tabs Overfloweth

For many Windows users, tabbed browsing is a key attraction for the Mozilla family of browsers. The ability to add multiple 'tabbed' views within one browser window is a feature that some users like to push to extremes.

Microsoft's current stable production version of Internet Explorer does not include tabs, though its next generation version 7 (currently at Beta 3) does.
So how many tabs can you fit in one window? No matter how many you can fit into Firefox 1.5.x, the next release of Firefox 2.0 Beta 2 will give you more.
Using a default configuration in Firefox 1.5.x, at a screen resolution of 1024x768, in tests performed by 34 tabs can be squeezed in before they start to get lost.
A user can add more than 34 tabs but in a default Firefox 1.5.x installation, those tabs will fall off the end of the tab bar and will not be very usable. Even at 34 tabs, the default tab width makes it difficult to figure out which tab is which.



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Cache-Control: max-age=3600, must-revalidate Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2022 10:38:26 GMT Expires: Sat, 20 Aug 2022 11:38:26 GMT Last-Modified: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 00:30:15 GMT

Google Has Long Road To Hoe To Pass Yahoo

As GOOG climbs above $500 per share, as predicted to happen about this time last year before the great January plunge, questions as to just how high Google can get, in terms of stock, search share, and visits, get more intense. Last week, a Citigroup analyst predicted Google would overtake Yahoo in visits by the end of 2007. Hitwise disagrees.

While Google is the Wall Street darling, with stock projected to rise as high as $750 (some have timidly suggested as high as $840), and with a search market share somewhere between 40 and 60 percent, Hitwise's Bill Tancer says that not only will it take longer than a year, but much has to be assumed, lost, and gained to get Google past Yahoo and to the number one online property.


Citigroup's Mark Mahaney, based on numbers provided by comScore projected that Google would overcome a 20-million visitor deficit, supplanting Yahoo as the top spot, if current growth rates continued.

Tancer chewed that over using Hitwise numbers and came to a different conclusion. Though Yahoo's market share has dropped by 10 percent in the last year, and Google's has risen by 18.6 percent, Tancer estimates it will take three years for Google to catch up with Yahoo.

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"If we apply those growth rates, and assume no material changes in those rates over the next three years (a big assumption), Google would not surpass Yahoo! in market share of visits until mid-2009," writes Tancer.

What will make Yahoo difficult to overcome is how the traffic is spread out among Yahoo properties. A third of Yahoo traffic goes to Yahoo Mail. Another third goes to, and just under 11 percent are using Yahoo Search.

The traffic dispersed among the top 20 Yahoo properties is double the traffic dispersed among top 20 Google properties. At the top of Google's list is, of course, search, gathering 87 percent of Google traffic. The rest are spread out to the hundredths of a percent among all Google properties.

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